Siirry pääsisältöön

Parents’ Network

The activities of the Parents’ Network at EKK are voluntary activities organized by parents that promote the learning and well-being of children and young people. The goal is to strengthen the cooperation between home and school and the EKK community culture. 

Close cooperation between home and school has many positive effects directly on the students and on the atmosphere in the school. Being part of the network allows us to be more aware of what is happening inside the school and can also influence matters concerning the school. It is also important to state that bullying tends to occur less and is dealt with more effectively, when parents know and cooperate with each other.

The Parent Network organizes charity work and fundraising campaigns in EKK to support different school activities, such as coffee shops at events organized on the school’s premises during the year. With the funds collected, we contribute to the costs of the student school scholarships and purchases that benefit as many students as possible for example science or sports equipment.

The Parents Network at EKK is a welcoming community for all parents who want to promote cooperation between home and school for the benefit of our children. By participating in our activities, you not only show your child that you care about their everyday life, friends and well-being and are willing to invest your time. But also you send a strong message to the school about our shared commitment to education and character growth in our children.

If you are interested in joining the Parent Network and contributing to our shared goals, we encourage you to contact us. Your involvement is warmly welcomed and greatly appreciated!

Contact details

Tarja Curtis and Sanna Suvanto